Spring Newsletter Alert

Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Dear Eric, 

Welcome to the Spring edition of the NIRS Newsletter! ICYMI (in case you missed it), we have some important updates and news to share with you this month, so let's dive right in.

1. Legislative Updates: S. 1111 and H.R. 6544

We continue to closely monitor the progress of bills S. 1111 and H.R. 6544, which threaten to undermine nuclear safety regulations and promote further nuclear expansion in the U.S. and around the world. These bills represent a dangerous step backward in our fight for a clean, renewable energy future. We urge you to stay informed and take action to oppose these bills.

2. In The News:

  • "Renewable Energy Shatters Records in the U.S." - Check out this insightful article from Scientific American highlighting the unprecedented growth of renewable energy sources in the United States. Read more
  • "Oppenheimer Japan Premiere: Christopher Nolan Sheds Light on Hiroshima and Nagasaki" - This thought-provoking piece from Vox explores the cultural significance of Christopher Nolan's latest film and its portrayal of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Read more
  • "Biden is marking Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in federal solar power grants" - Celebrating Earth Day wins with new federal funding of renewables. Read more
  • "These 18 Utah cities and towns still want clean energy, even as RMP backs off" - Communities in Utah plan to find their own clean power sources after utility recommits to coal. Read more

3. In The Movement:

  • Save RECA Campaign Gains Momentum - Join the #SaveRECA movement and stand up for justice for victims of radiation exposure. Together, we can fight for the extension and expansion of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. Stay informed and get involved HERE.
  • Spring into Action with NIRS - As we celebrate Earth Day this month (April 22nd), you can spring into action and help support NIRS in our mission to promote a renewable energy future for all. Whether it's donating, forwarding this email and getting others to sign up for our email list, or sharing our social media posts–every action counts! #RenewableEnergy #EarthDay #NoMoreNuclear #NoFalseSolutions
  • April 26th marks the 38th anniversary of the Chornobyl disaster - What has changed in the landscape of nuclear energy safety since this meltdown? Turns out, not much–in fact, we have seen many recent rollbacks on safety measures in the US, first proposed during COVID-19 restrictions and continued in legislation like the Senate bill S.1111 and House bill H.R. 6544. 
  • Experience the powerful story of Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island - Now available for streaming on Apple TV and Amazon Prime. Explore the untold truths of nuclear energy, its impact, and the voices of those affected. #RadioactiveFilm

4. DUE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!! Time Is Running Out! Take Action: Submit Your Comments on HALEU Acquisition

The Department of Energy is currently seeking public comments on the acquisition of High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU, “hay-loo”). This radioactive material poses serious risks to public health and the environment. We urge you to submit your comments to DOE EIS Document Manager James Lovejoy and voice your opposition to this dangerous acquisition.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our cause. Together, we can build a safer, cleaner, and more sustainable energy future for all.


Join the fight and follow us on social media!

Help us reach our matching grant today!

In solidarity,  

The NIRS Team 

Diane D’Arrigo 

Denise Jakobsberg 

Tim Judson 

Ann McCann