TMI-Alert’s Comments on the Closing of Three Mile Island Unit-1
Eric Epstein,
TMI-Alert’s Comments on the Closing of Three Mile Island Unit-1
Three Mile Island Unit 1 (“TMI-1”) came on line in 1974, and functioned beyond the 40 years it was constructed and designed to operate. The cessation of operations provides the opportunity to decommission and decontamination TMI-1, and remove 1,200 metric tons of high level waste stranded in spent fuel pools.
TMI possesses a skilled work force with unique institutional knowledge that can be deployed to clean the site up to Greenfield.
Three Mile Island Unit-2 (“TMI-2”), the site of America’s worst commercial accident, has not been decontaminate or decommissioned. The closure of TMI-1 allows TMI-2 to be cleaned up 40 years after the core- melt accident.
We need to be vigilant, and ensure out-of-state limited liability companies do not renege on their commitments. Exelon has announced plans to moth ball TMI-1 for 60 years, lay off workers, and abandon the local community.
The next stage of the TMI saga will focus on the cleanup of Three Mile Island.
TMI-Alert supports an expedited cleanup process known as DECON. The organization offered 11 recommendations Before the House Environmental Committee: Testimony of Three Mile Island Alert, Inc. on Nuclear Waste Containment on April 29, 2019.
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