DEP Citizens Advisory Council Meets Jan. 14 On Data Centers, Three Mile Island Unit 2 Nuclear Plant Decommissioning

DEP Citizens Advisory Council Meets January 14 On Data Centers, Three Mile Island Unit 2 Nuclear Plant Decommissioning, Abandoned Mine Land Reforestation


On the agenda for the January 14 meeting of the DEP Citizens Advisory Council are presentations on the development of data centers, 
Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant Unit 2 decommissioning and abandoned mine land reforestation.
The Council will also hear an update on agency activities from Acting DEP Secretary Jessica Shirley.
Data Centers
Commissioner Kim belly Barrow, Vice Chair of the Public Utility Commission will provide a presentation to Council on the impact 
of data center development on electricity demands and the grid in Pennsylvania and the region.
The PUC held a technical conference on November 25 on the adequacy of electricity supplies in Pennsylvania, including the 
growing electricity demand from the development of data centers.
The PUC has a deadline of January 9 to submit follow-up comments on the issue to help the Commission identify issues
and actions it can take to address supply and grid issues.
TMI Unit 2 Decommissioning
The damaged Unit 2 nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in Dauphin County is being decommissioned 
an Energy Solutions company. The decommissioning is unrelated to the proposed restart of TMI Unit 1 to supply power to Microsoft data centers.
Joseph Lynch, Energy Solutions, will provide the presentation on the status of decommissioning activities.