TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.


Do we wait for the river to die to call it ill

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission issued a report on the river this week, with a call for more reliable funding of its assigned data collection program.

“The Commission’s goal is to make water resources information and data available to the public and let that data speak for themselves, not to rate or rank conditions,” said SRBC Executive Director Paul Swartz.
The SRBC was established by Congress in 1971 in a compact that included New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland – respectively from the headwaters of the 444-mile watercourse to its ending in the Chesapeake Bay. The commission, based in Harrisburg, is charged with keeping track of the waterway, and determining how much water actually is available for use by consumers along its banks.

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News Update

February 2013

Blizzard Nemo Knocks Out Pilgrim; NRC Ignores Activists' Request to Close It Down Before Storm

Entergy Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Mass. Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station declared an emergency when it lost offsite power last Friday night, Feb. 8 as the historic winter storm hit Plymouth head-on. Pilgrim went back on line on Sunday morning, but then had to shut down again. It was restored Tuesday night, according to the Cape Cod Times.
Neither Entergy nor the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have explained the cause of the second shut down. See the NRC blog.


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Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1 - NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000289/2012005

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Status of PPL’s Rate Requests
Testimony of Eric Epstein
February 11, 2013

On October 15, 2012, Mrs. McConnell stated “1.8% of the District’s budget is devoted to servicing utility bills. On November 5, 2012, I apprised the Board that I have been litigating rate cases at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (“PUC”) for over 25 years, and can attest to the increased burden on property owners and senior citizens to pay monthly energy bills.

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Here are a few things we would like to share with you. These documents can also be accessed on our Waste Confidence website:  We have documented our last public meeting:

·  January 16 teleconference status meeting summary (ADAMS Accession No. ML13032A100).

·  January 16 teleconference status meeting transcript (ADAMS Accession No. ML13029A238).

Also, we have announced our next upcoming Monthly Public Teleconference Status Meeting:

·  February 20 from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EST, Meeting Notice.

·  Prior to the start of the meeting, please dial 1-800-857-2553 and provide the operator with passcode 3682386.

The NRC staff will discuss the status of its development efforts related to the Waste Confidence generic environmental impact statement and rule, and provide additional background information (e.g., documents to be released, public meeting schedules) as warranted.  Interested parties are invited to participate and ask questions; however, please note that discussion in this forum will not be considered as formal comments and will not be considered in the EIS development.

Coming up, the NRC is scheduled to issue a Scoping Summary Report in early March 2013, and the Waste Confidence draft EIS is scheduled to be published in late summer or early fall 2013.  The publication of the draft EIS is another important opportunity for public participation.  The NRC will be conducting regional and webcast public meetings to discuss the conclusions in the draft EIS, and will be asking for public comments on the draft EIS.

The NRC staff will periodically send out information and updates on the Waste Confidence EIS and rulemaking via the NRC’s WCOutreach@nrc.govdistribution list.  This information will include notification of the issuance of the Scoping Summary Report and the draft EIS, as well as information on upcoming teleconferences and meetings and how to comment on the draft EIS.

Staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Waste Confidence Directorate


Bills proposed to aid solar industry
January 22. 2013 9:00AM - Last modified: January 22. 2013 9:38AM
Tim Stuhldreher

The Democratic chairman of the state House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee is introducing two bills aimed at strengthening Pennsylvania's commitment to green energy, particularly solar.

House Bill 100 would increase the amount of electricity the state's utilities must obtain from renewable sources, according to information from the office of state Rep. Gregory Vitali of Delaware County.

Pennsylvania's alternative energy portfolio standard requires 8 percent of utilities' electricity to come from renewable sources by 2021; Vitali's bill would raise that to 15 percent by 2023.

A second bill, House Bill 200, would provide $25 million per year to the PA Sunshine solar program, which gives rebates for small businesses and residences that install solar systems.

Advocates see measures such as H.B.100 and H.B. 200 as important tools for returning the state's solar installation industry to health. Solar installations expanded rapidly in Pennsylvania in the late 2000s, supported by state and federal subsidies, but the exhaustion of the PA Sunshine program's rebate funds and the collapse of the state's market for SRECs have hit the industry hard.

The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry has opposed previous proposals to increase the state's green energy requirements, arguing they raise energy prices and give solar energy unjustified preferential treatment.

Vitali will host a Democratic Policy Committee hearing at 10 a.m. Jan. 29 in Bryn Mawr to discuss the proposed bills.

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EXELON GENERATION CO., LLC - U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC) OFFICE OF INVESTIGATIONS (01) INVESTIGATION; SUMMARY OF 01 REPORT NO. 3-2010-034; NRC INSPECTION REPORT 05000456/2012012,05000457/2012012,05000454/2012012, 05000455/2012012,05000461/2012012,05000010/2012012, 05000237/2012012,05000249/2012012,05000373/2012012, 05000374/2012012, 05000352/2012012, 05000353/2012012, 05000219/2012012,05000171/2012012,05000277/2012012, 05000278/2012012, 05000254/2012012, 05000265/2012012, 05000272/2012012,05000311/2012012,05000289/2012012, 05000295/2012012, 05000304/2012012

Download ML13008A219


This issue's articles include:

  • TMIA Advocates Revision of Evacuation Plans
  • NRC Suspends Decisions on Licensing
  • New Reactor at Susquehanna on Hold
  • Susquehanna Units Log Frequent Outages
  • PPL Rates Climb $71 Million on 1/1/13
  • NRC Gets New Chairwoman
  • Retiring Exelon CEO Says New Nukes Not Viable
  • Around the Nation
  • TMIA Friend John Hanger Seeks to Replace Corbett
  • Mangano’s Book Exposes the Risks of Nuclear Power

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