TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.

Main power line fails at Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant


The Ukrainian nuclear agency Energoatom reported on Aug. 10 that the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant lost power from the main 750 kilovolt (kV) power line overnight.

The plant was then connected to the 330 kV backup line instead. The risk of this backup power line failing puts the largest nuclear plant in Europe on the verge of a blackout.

The main danger of losing external power is that the 4th reactor would go into "hot shutdown" as a result of the cooling pumps being switched off, Energoatom explained.

Without sufficient cooling, the equipment within the reactor can fail, heightening the risk of a nuclear accident.

Energoatom emphasized that the continued occupation of the plant by "illegitimate and untrained" management is bringing it "closer to disaster."

Russian forces have occupied the Zaporizhzhia plant since March 2022. Throughout the all-out war, the plant has been repeatedly disconnected from the Ukrainian power grid due to Russian attacks on the country's energy infrastructure.

For four months between March and July 2023, the plant was disconnected from the 330 kV backup power line due to damage on the opposite bank of the Dnipro River.

In October 2022, the plant was forced to rely on diesel generators to provide power to the cooling systems due to Russian shelling.

Before Russia's full-scale war, the nuclear plant had six backup lines and four main lines of 750 kV.

After nearly a year and a half of Russian occupation, uncertainty about what Russia could do next at the plant remains.

Ukraine raised fresh concerns of a potential accident at the plant in June, with top officials warning that Russia had rigged the plant with explosives and could launch a terrorist attack.

Since occupying the plant, Russia has used the nuclear plant as a military base, placing troops and equipment there.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has staff based at the plant on rotation since September 2022 to monitor the situation.

Read also: Locals near Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant brace for potential disaster: ‘It would be the end of us’

Hello Mr. Epstein,
Your questions were address in the Peach Bottom decommissioning presubmittal public meeting.  The meeting summary can be found under ADAMS accession number ML23187A474.  I am attaching it for your convenience.   
Paragraph 4 on page 2 of the summary was provided to support your concern regarding decommissioning cost. I am adding the paragraph for your convenience.

There are many factors that affect reactor decommissioning costs. The minimum
decommissioning funding assurance amount must be adjusted annually by applying the latest
escalation factors for labor, energy, and waste burial costs. On page 53, the licensee estimated
that $275.417M in decommissioning expenditures remained as of December 31, 2022. The
licensee also reported that $145.438M was the balance of the trust as of December 31, 2022.
This compares to a balance of $159.188M in the trust as of December 31, 2021, which was
reported by the licensee on page 14 of the financial assurance status report submitted to the
NRC on March 23, 2022 (ADAMS Accession No. ML22082A227). This reflects an 8.6% decline
in the decommissioning trust fund balance from December 31, 2021, to December 31, 2022.
There are no contracts the NRC relies upon pursuant to 10 CFR 50.75(e)(1)(v).  As a result, we cannot provide a response to that identifies the amount Constellation received from the federal government relating to Department of Energy.
Paragraph 5 on page 2 of the summary was provided to support your concern regarding the decline in the amount of the trust fund balance. I am adding the paragraph for your convenience.
The Peach Bottom Unit 1 Trust experienced losses consistent with, and even less than, the
broad market equity indexes (S&P 500 experienced a loss of 18.11% in 2022) and the broad
bond/fixed income index (Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate [AGG] index, which experienced a loss of
13% in 2022). The statement as to the decline in the decommissioning trust fund balance in
view of broad, negative market returns does not consider contributions provided by the public
utility commission into the trust in 2022 nor withdrawals by the licensee in addressing
decommissioning expenditures in 2022. The NRC staff finds these outcomes reasonable and to
date, the information evaluated by the NRC staff does not raise concerns.
The last paragraph on page 2 of the summary was provided to support your concern regarding “Qualified Funds” and “Non-Qualified Funds.” I am adding the paragraph for your convenience.
There was a question regarding the funding levels as of December 31, 2022, for the “Qualified
Funds” and “Non-Qualified Funds” as well as the net gap in funding for site termination.
Information regarding this was not provided by the licensee, and thus was not available to the
NRC staff. The NRC staff is currently evaluating the March 2023 submission by the licensee to
determine if any shortfall/funding gap exists at the Peach Bottom Unit 1 site.
The Peach Bottom plant was shutdown on October 31, 1974. All spent fuel has been removed from the site, and the spent fuel pool is drained and decontaminated. The Department of Energy has possession of spent fuel rods at their facility. Idaho National Laboratory has been safely housing spent nuclear fuel for decades.
Assuming an off-site, high-level radioactive waste site is tied to the licensees discretion.  The NRC has no submittal docketed from the licensee regarding this question.
Thank you for submitting your questions.  For future reference, there is always a telephone number associated with public meetings that is posted on the agencies public meeting website that you can use to call into the meeting.   
Tanya E. Hood
Project Manager
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738
Subject: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 2 - Correction to Technical Specifications Page 3.3-73 In Amendment No. 265 (EPID L-2019-PMP-0064)
ADAMS Accession No.: ML23195A185
Using Web-based ADAMS, select “Advanced Search”
Under “Property,” select “Accession Number”
Under “Value,” enter the Accession Number
Click Search
Subject: Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Unit 2 - Authorization and Safety Evaluation for Relief Request 4RR-10 (EPID L-2023-LLR-0014)
ADAMS Accession No.: ML23207A176
Using Web-based ADAMS, select “Advanced Search”
Under “Property,” select “Accession Number”
Under “Value,” enter the Accession Number
Click Search
Meltdown: Three Mile Island, just got nominated for an Emmy! Outstanding Historical Documentary! Pretty cool.
The 44th News & Documentary Nominations



Honorees in 62 Categories to be Presented
In Two Ceremonies on September 27th & 28th 

NEW YORK (July 27, 2023) – Nominations for the 44th Annual News and Documentary Emmy® Awards were announced today by The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS). 

The awards will be presented in two individual ceremonies:

News Categories – Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. EDT
Documentary Categories – Thursday, September 28th, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. EDT

The News & Documentary Emmy Awards will be presented live at the Palladium Times Square in New York City, and will be streamed live on NATAS’ dedicated viewing platform powered by Vimeo, available on the web at and via The Emmys® apps for iOS, tvOS, Android, FireTV, and Roku (full list at

“The News & Documentary Emmy® Awards honor the work of dedicated professionals working at the highest level of the broadcast journalism and documentary filmmaking professions,” said Adam Sharp, President and CEO, NATAS. “They pay tribute to the journalists who bring us up-to-the-minute reporting on the critical stories of our time, and the documentary storytellers who explore important social, cultural, and political issues in great depth. NATAS is proud to celebrate the work of this year’s nominees.”

The 44th Annual News & Documentary Emmy® Awards honor programming content from more than 2300 submissions that originally premiered in calendar-year 2022, judged by a pool of over 1000 peer professionals from across the television and streaming/digital media News & Documentary industry.

The complete list of nominees is also available on the National Television Academy’s website:  

All voting was tabulated by the accounting firm of Lutz & Carr, LLP.




B. Harlan Boll, NATAS PR



The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) is a service organization dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational, and technical achievements within the television industry. It recognizes excellence in television with the coveted Emmy® Awards for News & Documentary, Sports, Daytime and Daytime Creative Arts programming, as well as achievements in television Technology & Engineering.

NATAS membership consists of more than 18,000+ broadcast and media professionals represented in 19 regional chapters across the country. Beyond awards, NATAS has extensive educational programs including regional student television and its Student Award for Excellence and the National Student Production Awards for outstanding journalistic work by high school students, as well as scholarships, publications, and major activities for both industry professionals and the viewing public.

For more information, please visit the website at


Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 23-046 July 27, 2023
CONTACT: David McIntyre, 301-415-8200
NRC Issues License to Rare Element Resources Inc. for Rare Earth Extraction Pilot Project in Wyoming
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a license to Rare Element Resources Inc. for a proposed pilot project in Wyoming to demonstrate a proprietary process to extract rare earth elements from ore.
Rare earth elements are essential in many applications, including electric automobiles, smart phones, advanced wind turbines, computer hard drives, magnets, and military systems.
RER’s Upton Pilot Project, sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, involves a mined pile of about 1,000 tons of ore to be transported from the Black Hills National Forest in northeastern Wyoming to a rare earth element processing plant in Upton, Wyoming. Extracting the rare earth elements from the ore will produce waste streams including thorium and some uranium, requiring a source material license from the NRC.
Under the NRC license, RER will treat and stabilize the process wastes before sending them to a licensed low-level waste disposal facility.
The NRC’s review of the license application included a technical safety review and an environmental assessment. The agency published a notice of opportunity in May to request a hearing. No petitions were filed.
RER intends to start processing the ore pile in April 2024. The project is expected to take a year, followed by two years to decommission. The license is valid through April 30, 2027.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: I-23-009 July 26, 2023
CONTACT: Diane Screnci, 610-337-5330
Neil Sheehan, 610-337-5331
NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has selected Neil Day as the senior resident inspector at the Beaver Valley nuclear power plant in Shippingport, Pennsylvania. He joins resident inspector Ron Rolph at the two-unit site, which is operated by Energy Harbor.
“Neil Day’s broad experience in both the reactor and nuclear materials realms means he is well-positioned to take on this new role,” said NRC Region I Administrator Ray Lorson. “The skills he has acquired will help the NRC maintain a strong onsite presence at Beaver Valley.”
Day joined the NRC in 2008 as a structural engineer in the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards at the agency’s headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. He subsequently worked as a project engineer in the Division of Reactor Projects in the NRC’s Region I Office, and later as a resident inspector at the Grand Gulf nuclear power plant in Mississippi and the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant in Texas.
Day holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Pennsylvania State University.
Each operating U.S. commercial nuclear power plant has at least two NRC resident inspectors who serve as the agency’s eyes and ears at the facility, conducting inspections, monitoring safety-significant projects and interacting with plant workers and the public. Resident inspectors can serve at a reactor site for up to seven years.
