TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.


Nuclear watchdogs emailed Governor Shapiro to place a moratorium to ensure no toxic water is dumped into the Susquehanna River.

Author: Matt Klinedinst
Published: 9:56 PM EDT March 17, 2023
Updated: 9:56 PM EDT March 17, 2023

GOLDSBORO, Pa. — Eric Epstein wants the Commonwealth to watch the water during the Three Mile Island decommissioning process. The long-time nuclear watchdog said the Susquehanna River will be a significant source during cleanup.

“You need water to clean the plant up. The water comes in contact with radioactive components, it becomes radioactive, and then the issue becomes, what to do with the water," said Epstein. “We don’t want to establish a precedent where the company simply dumps radioactive water into the Susquehanna River.”

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission currently regulates the amount of water that can be used during the decommissioning process. TMI-1 has rights to use the water from the river, however, TMI-2 does not have those same rights.

“We have two separate timelines and two separate demands for water," said Epstein. "What we want to unify and clarify is that whoever and whatever uses water, when it becomes radioactive, that it doesn’t go back into the Susquehanna River.”

Epstein said he sent a letter to Governor Shapiro’s office, asking him to take action.

“What we’re asking the governor to do is to take the lead and negotiate a memorandum of understanding between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the owners of the plants, and also the Pennsylvania DEP," said Epstein.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection issued the following statement to FOX43:

"DEP is actively engaged with NRC and the owners in routine communication so we are aware of activities at the site."

Epstein says the water and waste issue could have ripple effects for years to come.

“This is an issue the community is going to have to negotiate for decades," said Epstein. "Actually, it’s an accident without an ending.”

We reached out to Constellation Energy, who owns TMI-1, for an interview, but they declined to comment.

TMI-2, which was the site of the 1979 accident, is set to be decommissioned by 2037. TMI-1 is set to be decommissioned by 2079.

Dear Friends and Supporters,
I want to extend a special invitation to our upcoming screening of the award-winning feature documentary, RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island. We have comp tickets for you! Please RSVP asap, so I may hold tickets for you. 
Here is our trailer: 
We have two screenings coming up immediately which we'd love for you to attend: 
1. Washington DC environmental film festival on March 25 at 7 PM. 
2. Midtown Cinema, Harrisburg, PA March 26, 6 & 8 pm, Q & A 7:30. 
3) Sarasota Film Festival, runs March 24 — April 1 (our specific date/time TBA)
RADIOACTIVE: THE WOMEN OF THREE MILE ISLAND:  An Award-Winning feature documentary about the 1979 Three Mile Island meltdown--recounts the true tale of the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history. RADIOACTIVE covers the never-before-told stories of four intrepid homemakers, two women lawyers (and a single-mom waitress) who took the local community's case all the way to the Supreme Court, and a young female journalist who was caught in the radioactive crossfire. 
RADIOACTIVE features activist and actor Jane Fonda--whose film, CHINA SYNDROME (a fictional account of a nuclear meltdown), opened 12 days before the real disaster in Pennsylvania. 
RADIOACTIVE also breaks the story of a radical new health study (in process) that may finally expose the truth of the meltdown. For over forty years, the nuclear industry has done all in their power to cover up their criminal actions, claiming, as they always do, "No one was harmed and nothing significant happened." 
In this thrilling feminist documentary, indomitable women fight back against the nuclear industry Goliath to expose one of the worst cover-ups in U.S. history.
Here is our film website with more information, including information about our stellar team, and information about upcoming events:
Film website:
Please share this invite with others whom you think may like to attend! We have a mailing list sign up on our website, so it would be wonderful if you could encourage others to sign up--so we may spread the word.
Upcoming showings coming up to date (many more TBA soon):
              3. Sarasota Film Festival  March 28-4/1 2023 (exact Date/Time TBA)
              4. Huntington Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington, NY April 29, 7:00 p.m.
              5. Uranium Film Festival May 2023, Rio, Brazil (Date/Time TBA).
              6. Cinequest Film Festival August 2023, San Jose, CA (Date/Time TBA)
              7. Rivertown Film, Nyack NY (Date/Time TBA).
              8. LA festival TBA--June, 2023
Thank you for all the amazing work that you do! 
Again, please spread the work, and if there are others I should invite directly, please let me know.
In Deep Gratitude and Admiration, 
Heidi Hutner and the RADIOACTIVE team
Dr. Heidi Hutner
English Department,
Affiliate: Sustainability Studies,
Gender Studies
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11795
Personal Website: HEIDIHUTNER.COM
Webisode: Coffee With Hx2  (video interviews with Sustainability experts)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 23-021 March 10, 2023
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200
NRC Authorizes Restart of National Institute of Standards and Technology Reactor
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has concluded the National Institute of Standards and Technology has satisfied the requirements to safely restart the NIST research reactor in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The facility has been safely shut down since February 2021, when an event damaged a reactor fuel element without affecting public health and safety.
“We’ve reached this decision after extensive review of the event, NIST’s corrective actions, and additional work the facility has done to ensure safe operation,” said Andrea Veil, director of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. “We’re satisfied this research facility’s important systems and components are ready to go, and we’re satisfied the reactor staff are ready to carry out improved procedures for maintaining safety. We’ll continue our increased oversight of the facility and its ongoing corrective actions.”
NRC approval was required before the facility could restart the reactor because the facility violated the fuel cladding temperature safety limit. The NRC’s technical evaluation report includes: review of the facility’s systems to verify there was no adverse impact from the event; NIST’s actions to comply with the Confirmatory Order issued in August 2022; and results from follow-on NRC inspections. NIST’s actions covered several areas relevant to the 2021 event, including: fuel handling and related management activities; the facility’s safety culture and corrective action program; and the facility’s emergency response resources and procedures. The NRC also separately reviewed and approved several amendments to the facility’s license that were requested by NIST to support the safe restart of the facility.
It's March, and even though it's chilly, it's the season where I can feel Spring in the bright sunshine. Speaking of March, I remember the nuclear power plant disasters in Japan and the United States.
The Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan began on March 11, 2011. The Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the United States began on March 28th, 1979. I'm thinking about what has changed and what hasn't changed in me since the Fukushima nuclear accident 12 years ago.
Looking back, I’ve had many encounters and learned many lessons from these disasters. I’d like to share my experiences and learning through art for our future.
I received a micro grant from the Asian American Arts Alliance as part of their program entitled “What Can We Do?”. I’ll use this grant to support my “Peace and Harmony” workshop. I’m looking for a place where I can have a Peace and Harmony workshop in Flushing, Queens. I must complete this workshop before May 10th. Please email if you’re interested in this workshop. 
“Peace and Harmony” workshop 
Participants dye Japanese paper, fold those papers into flowers, connect those paper flowers, and co-create a spherical medicine ball, called Kusudama. Traditional origami work, Kusudama, have been made to pray for longevity and good health. This workshop consists of two parts, Itajime Washi: Japanese paper dyeing, and Origami: art of paper folding. These workshops aim to: heal our minds and bodies, connect us with our communities, and work toward a peaceful and healthy future through using natural materials and hands-on experiences.
Information about Spring exhibitions and workshops is as follows. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Happy Spring,
Origami Workshop
Fukushima/Three Mile Island Nuclear disaster Memorial
Food Bank Community Kitchen: 252 W 116th St, NYC
Friday March 10-11AM
While praying for peace and health, we will make origami cranes using paper with beautiful traditional Japanese patterns.
13th Annual Anti-Nuke Power Art
311 Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake 12th Year Memorial Exhibition
Gallery Onetwentyeight:  128 Rivington St. NYC
Saturday March 11, 1-8 PM 
Sunday March 12, 1-5 PM
Opening: Saturday March 11, 4-8 PM
Women in the Heights “Women of Substance, Past, Present, Future”
NoMAA Gallery: 4140 Broadway at 176 St, the United Palace
Exhibit on view: Thursday March 23- Wednesday May 17 
RSVP Opening Thursday March 23, 6-8PM
Curated by Andrea Arroyo
Japanese Paper Workshop “Peace and Harmony”
Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop 
323 West 39th St. NYC
Saturday March 25 and Sunday March 26, 12– 3PM
Peace and Harmony workshop
Food Bank Community Kitchen 
252 W 116th St, NYC
Tuesday April 4 and Wednesday April 5  10-11AM
Discover Your Collagraph Workshop
Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop 
323 West 39th St. 2nd Fl NYC
Saturday March 25 and Sunday March 26, 12– 3PM
Energy Harbor, owner of nuclear plants at heart of HB6 scandal, sold for $3.4 billion to Texas-based Vistra Corp.

Davis-Besse plant
This April 4, 2017, file photo shows the entrance to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor, Ohio. Energy Harbor, which owns the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants, will be sold to Texas-based Vistra Corp. for $3 billion in cash, a 15% stake in a Vistra subsidiary, and assumption of $430 million in debt. (AP Photo/Ron Schwane, File)AP

By Jeremy Pelzer,

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Energy Harbor, the owner of two nuclear power plants at the center of the House Bill 6 scandal, has been purchased for more than $3.4 billion by Texas-based Vistra Corp., according to a release.

The sale of the one-time FirstEnergy subsidiary fulfills a key goal of HB6 backers – to be able to sell the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants in Northern Ohio. Vistra was part of the coalition that unsuccessfully pushed to overturn HB6, but the company is now set to buy the power plants even though lawmakers have since repealed HB6′s $1 billion-plus ratepayer bailout, designed to financially prop up the two plants.

Both companies’ boards of directors have approved the deal, and a majority of Energy Harbor stockholders support the move, according to the release.

Most Energy Harbor shareholders will receive cash at the closing of the deal, according to the release, while the two largest shareholders – investment firms Nuveen and Avenue Capital Group – will get a combination of cash and a 15% ownership stake in Vistra.

The companies anticipate closing the deal sometime in the second half of this year, according to the release. Several federal regulators must still sign off on the purchase, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The release stated that Vistra will not purchase Energy Harbor’s two coal plants along the Ohio River – the W.H. Sammis plant in Jefferson County and the Pleasants Power Station near Belmont, W.Va. The Sammis plant (which was temporarily saved by HB6) is set to close later this summer; West Virginia lawmakers have been trying to find ways to save the Pleasants plant, including urging Energy Harbor to sell the facility to a FirstEnergy subsidiary.

Vistra was already the largest energy generator in Ohio even before the deal, operating seven natural gas, oil and coal power plants around the state, according to previous legislative testimony by the company, though two of their Ohio coal plants are set to close by 2027.

The announcement of the sale comes the same week as closing arguments are scheduled to be delivered in the trial of former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, a Perry County Republican who is charged with using $60 million in FirstEnergy bribe money to get HB6 passed. Ex-Ohio Republican Party Chair Matt Borges, a pro-HB6 lobbyist, is also on trial for racketeering.

Both Householder and Borges have pleaded not guilty. Two other co-defendants, lobbyist Juan Cespedes and Householder political aide Jeff Longstreth, have already pleaded guilty to their roles in the scandal and testified in the trial.

At the time HB6 was passed in 2019, proponents – including FirstEnergy Solutions, the FirstEnergy subsidiary that later spun off into Energy Harbor – argued the law’s ratepayer bailout was needed to keep the plants from closing.

Energy Harbor’s three nuclear power plants – Davis-Besse and Perry in Northern Ohio, as well as Beaver Valley in Pennsylvania – will become part of a newly-formed Vistra subsidiary called “Vistra Vision,” according to the release.

The bailout was later repealed after Householder and his co-defendants were arrested in July 2020.

Energy Harbor executive chairman John Kiani stood to make $100 million if the two nuclear plants were sold, according to court testimony from Cespedes, a FirstEnergy Solutions lobbyist who helped lead efforts to get HB6 passed. Cespedes said Kiani knew about FirstEnergy Solutions’ aggressive, $35 million campaign to block an HB6 repeal effort, which included secretly funded ad buys, bribing anti-HB6 petition signature collectors, and hiring private investigators to tail signature gatherers.

It wasn’t immediately clear how much Kiani – who has been accused of no crime to date – stands to make from Vistra’s purchase of Energy Harbor.

The Plain Dealer/ has reached out to an Energy Harbor spokesman about how much Kiani will make from the Energy Harbor’s sale to Vistra.

Cespedes also testified Vistra was one of the energy companies that funded efforts to stage a statewide referendum to repeal HB6. That effort failed after anti-HB6 petition gatherers, facing physical intimidation and bribe offers from pro-HB6 forces, were unable to get enough petition signatures for a repeal measure to make the November 2019 ballot.

“In some ways, it’s kind of funny and poetic that Vistra is buying these plants,” said Neil Waggoner, federal deputy director of energy campaigns for the Sierra Club, in an interview on Monday.

The sale, Waggoner said, also illustrates how financial fortunes have changed for the Davis-Besse and Perry plants since 2019.

When HB6 was passed, the plants were seen as money losers that needed a bailout to become financially attractive. But now, he said, energy prices have gone up because of the war in Ukraine, a number of coal plants in the region are set to close, the Inflation Reduction Act offers a variety of tax credits and incentives for nuclear plants, and President Joe Biden’s administration is looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions.

“The big thing is just seeing how dramatically the world has changed since 2019,” Waggoner said.

Energy Harbor, owner of nuclear plants at heart of HB6 scandal, sold for $3.4 billion to Texas-based Vistra Corp.

Davis-Besse plant
This April 4, 2017, file photo shows the entrance to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Oak Harbor, Ohio. Energy Harbor, which owns the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants, will be sold to Texas-based Vistra Corp. for $3 billion in cash, a 15% stake in a Vistra subsidiary, and assumption of $430 million in debt. (AP Photo/Ron Schwane, File)AP

By Jeremy Pelzer,

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Energy Harbor, the owner of two nuclear power plants at the center of the House Bill 6 scandal, has been purchased for more than $3.4 billion by Texas-based Vistra Corp., according to a release.

The sale of the one-time FirstEnergy subsidiary fulfills a key goal of HB6 backers – to be able to sell the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants in Northern Ohio. Vistra was part of the coalition that unsuccessfully pushed to overturn HB6, but the company is now set to buy the power plants even though lawmakers have since repealed HB6′s $1 billion-plus ratepayer bailout, designed to financially prop up the two plants.

Both companies’ boards of directors have approved the deal, and a majority of Energy Harbor stockholders support the move, according to the release.

Most Energy Harbor shareholders will receive cash at the closing of the deal, according to the release, while the two largest shareholders – investment firms Nuveen and Avenue Capital Group – will get a combination of cash and a 15% ownership stake in Vistra.

The companies anticipate closing the deal sometime in the second half of this year, according to the release. Several federal regulators must still sign off on the purchase, including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the U.S. Department of Justice.

The release stated that Vistra will not purchase Energy Harbor’s two coal plants along the Ohio River – the W.H. Sammis plant in Jefferson County and the Pleasants Power Station near Belmont, W.Va. The Sammis plant (which was temporarily saved by HB6) is set to close later this summer; West Virginia lawmakers have been trying to find ways to save the Pleasants plant, including urging Energy Harbor to sell the facility to a FirstEnergy subsidiary.

Vistra was already the largest energy generator in Ohio even before the deal, operating seven natural gas, oil and coal power plants around the state, according to previous legislative testimony by the company, though two of their Ohio coal plants are set to close by 2027.

The announcement of the sale comes the same week as closing arguments are scheduled to be delivered in the trial of former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, a Perry County Republican who is charged with using $60 million in FirstEnergy bribe money to get HB6 passed. Ex-Ohio Republican Party Chair Matt Borges, a pro-HB6 lobbyist, is also on trial for racketeering.

Both Householder and Borges have pleaded not guilty. Two other co-defendants, lobbyist Juan Cespedes and Householder political aide Jeff Longstreth, have already pleaded guilty to their roles in the scandal and testified in the trial.

At the time HB6 was passed in 2019, proponents – including FirstEnergy Solutions, the FirstEnergy subsidiary that later spun off into Energy Harbor – argued the law’s ratepayer bailout was needed to keep the plants from closing.

Energy Harbor’s three nuclear power plants – Davis-Besse and Perry in Northern Ohio, as well as Beaver Valley in Pennsylvania – will become part of a newly-formed Vistra subsidiary called “Vistra Vision,” according to the release.

The bailout was later repealed after Householder and his co-defendants were arrested in July 2020.

Energy Harbor executive chairman John Kiani stood to make $100 million if the two nuclear plants were sold, according to court testimony from Cespedes, a FirstEnergy Solutions lobbyist who helped lead efforts to get HB6 passed. Cespedes said Kiani knew about FirstEnergy Solutions’ aggressive, $35 million campaign to block an HB6 repeal effort, which included secretly funded ad buys, bribing anti-HB6 petition signature collectors, and hiring private investigators to tail signature gatherers.

It wasn’t immediately clear how much Kiani – who has been accused of no crime to date – stands to make from Vistra’s purchase of Energy Harbor.

The Plain Dealer/ has reached out to an Energy Harbor spokesman about how much Kiani will make from the Energy Harbor’s sale to Vistra.

Cespedes also testified Vistra was one of the energy companies that funded efforts to stage a statewide referendum to repeal HB6. That effort failed after anti-HB6 petition gatherers, facing physical intimidation and bribe offers from pro-HB6 forces, were unable to get enough petition signatures for a repeal measure to make the November 2019 ballot.

“In some ways, it’s kind of funny and poetic that Vistra is buying these plants,” said Neil Waggoner, federal deputy director of energy campaigns for the Sierra Club, in an interview on Monday.

The sale, Waggoner said, also illustrates how financial fortunes have changed for the Davis-Besse and Perry plants since 2019.

When HB6 was passed, the plants were seen as money losers that needed a bailout to become financially attractive. But now, he said, energy prices have gone up because of the war in Ukraine, a number of coal plants in the region are set to close, the Inflation Reduction Act offers a variety of tax credits and incentives for nuclear plants, and President Joe Biden’s administration is looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions.

“The big thing is just seeing how dramatically the world has changed since 2019,” Waggoner said.

Hi Eric,
The podcast with your story about Three Mile Island is up on SoundCloud and other platforms. I hope you like it!
Thanks again for being our guest on Green Street News!
Doug Wood
Associate Director
Grassroots Environmental Education
PO Box 3608
San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-3608
NEWS RELEASE                    Contacts:      Jane Swanson, Spokesperson    
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             (805) 440-1359
                                                                Linda Seeley, Spokesperson
March 3, 2023                                            (805) 234-1769


This statement is in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) ruling of March 2 that PG&E is exempt from regulations that have long required a safety review by the NRC before any reactor could operate beyond the date of its operating license.
The joint press release by Mothers for Peace, Friends of the Earth, and Environmental Working Group on the MFP website under “latest news”.  See explains details of the ruling and reasons why the three organizations oppose it.
Mothers for Peace, a local non-profit organization run by volunteers, has acted as Legal Intervenor with the NRC since 1973, with a goal of making California a nuclear-free state. This recent ruling is not surprising, as the NRC has always prioritized the economic interests of the nuclear industry over the safety of those living downwind from nuclear reactors and radioactive wastes. Mothers for Peace, in conjunction with allied organizations, will challenge this unsafe and illegal ruling.
Never before has the NRC allowed a plant designed in the 1950s and constructed in the 70’s to continue running past the expiration of its licenses without first conducting a safety review. Such a review is especially urgent in the case of Diablo. PG&E has been maintaining the plant only to keep it running until 2025, since until last spring the company was committed to shut it down in that year. To make matters worse, these reactors are surrounded by 13 earthquake faults, one of which goes directly under the plant.
Mothers for Peace is already working with its two attorneys and consulting with potential expert witnesses to force the NRC to comply with federal law and its own regulations. Our organization is planning fund-raising events to support these legal efforts, which might necessitate action in the United States Court of Appeals.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 23-016 March 3, 2023
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200
NRC Seeks Comment on Proposed Revision to Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Renewing Reactor Licenses
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published a proposed rule that would update the license renewal Generic Environmental Impact Statement used by the agency when considering applications to renew operating reactor licenses.
The proposed rule is in response to a 2022 Commission order that concluded the license renewal GEIS did not analyze the environmental impacts of a subsequent license renewal term (from 60 to 80 years of operation). The proposed rule amends the relevant rule language to account for intial license renewal and one term of subsequent license renewal, redefines the number and scope of the environmental issues that must be addressed during the review of each application for license renewal, and updates related guidance to fully address subsequent renewal.
The GEIS covers environmental topics relevant to all nuclear power plant licensees seeking renewed licenses. The revised document accounts for new or revised environmental impacts, changes in regulations or guidance, and applies what the agency has learned during previous license renewals.
The NRC will hold hybrid public meetings to gather comments before finalizing the rule and GEIS for Commission consideration. The first two meetings will be March 16 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, 5701 Marinelli Road in Rockville, Maryland, from 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. The staff will host a 30-minute open house prior to each meeting. In the near future, the agency will announce four additional public meetings across the country. The meetings are one method for submitting comments on the proposed rule before the May 2 deadline. Comments can also be submitted via under Docket ID NRC-2018-0296, via email to, or via U.S. mail to Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff.
