TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
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Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 21-029 July 29, 2021
CONTACT: David McIntyre, 301-415-8200
NRC Issues Final Environmental Study for Proposed Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility in Andrews, Texas
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued its final environmental impact statement on an application by Interim Storage Partners, LLC, to construct and operate a consolidated interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Andrews County, Texas. After considering the environmental impacts of the proposed action, the NRC staff recommend granting the proposed license.
Interim Storage Partners is a joint venture of Waste Control Specialists, LLC, and Orano CIS, LLC, a subsidiary of Orano USA, LLC. If granted, the license would authorize ISP to construct a facility to store up to 5,000 metric tons of spent commercial nuclear fuel as well as Greater-Than-Class C waste for a period of 40 years. ISP plans to expand the facility to a total capacity of 40,000 metric tons of spent fuel. The facility would be built adjacent to the Waste Control Specialists low-level radioactive waste disposal site.
The NRC published a draft environmental impact statement on the project in May 2020. Agency staff held four public meetings by webinar to present the draft findings and receive public comments. To complete the final document, the staff received and evaluated approximately 2,500 unique comments submitted by nearly 10,600 members of the public.
The NRC will provide the final environmental impact statement to the Environmental Protection Agency for filing. Once the EPA publishes in the Federal Register a notice that it has received the document, the NRC must wait at least 30 days before issuing a licensing decision. When it announces its licensing decision, the NRC will also publish its final safety evaluation report detailing its technical review of the ISP application.
More information about the NRC staff’s review of the Interim Storage Partners application is available on the NRC website.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: III-21-017 July 27, 2021
Contact: Viktoria Mitlyng, 630-829-9662 Prema Chandrathil, 630-829-9663
NRC Launches Special Inspection at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has launched a special inspection at the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant that will focus on two separate issues: multiple diesel generator failures during testing and maintenance; and a complicated reactor trip on July 8.
The six-person inspection team will review the company’s response to each diesel generator failure, including the company’s cause analysis, extent of condition reviews, maintenance practices and system design. The team will also focus on the circumstances affecting the recent complicated automatic reactor shutdown, which was triggered by a turbine trip, assessing equipment performance and operator response.
In the past 24 months, Davis-Besse experienced four failures of emergency diesel generators to operate in accordance with specifications during NRC-required testing and one failure of a station blackout diesel generator during maintenance. Davis-Besse has two emergency diesel generators, which would provide emergency power during the loss of offsite power, and one station blackout diesel generator, which would provide power in case both emergency diesel generators failed. One diesel generator is sufficient to enable the plant to safely shut down and remain in a stable condition. Normal plant operations were not affected by the diesel failures during testing and maintenance, and public safety was maintained.
While the NRC was planning the special inspection on diesel failures, Davis-Besse experienced an unplanned reactor trip. During the plant’s response to the trip, certain pieces of equipment did not function as designed. Operators took action to address the equipment issues, and the reactor was shut down safely and placed in a stable condition. After making the necessary repairs, the reactor returned to power. Based on the complications of the trip, the agency chose to expand the special inspection to better understand equipment performance issues and operator response.
Upon completion of the special inspection, NRC inspectors will document their findings on both issues in a publicly available inspection report, which will be distributed electronically to listserv subscribers and be available on theNRC website.
The plant, located in Oak Harbor, Ohio, is operated by Energy Harbor Corp.

Hello Eric,

This placed into ADAMS today of May 18, 2921 Event.


Document Title:  LER 2-2021-002-00 for Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 2, Safety Relief Valve Inoperability Due to Nitrogen Leakage from Braided Hose Wear

Document Type:  Letter Licensee Event Report (LER)

Document Date:  07/16/2021

Three Mile Island:  Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station - Unit 1 - NRC Independent Spent Fuel Storage Security Inspection Report No. 07200077/2021401

Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Dear Diane,
Who's protecting us from the dangers of nuclear energy and radioactive waste?  
NOT the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)!!!
NRC is trying to make over a dozen actions that could endanger people and the environment exempt from environmental and safety reviews. That means NRC could approve projects that affect our health while ignoring the impacts—and preventing communities from even having a say.  
These are just a few of the bad ideas the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is trying to exempt from environmental and safety reviews:
  • Deregulating nuclear wast to make radioactive belt buckles, baby toys, and building supplies
  • Nuclear waste casks that are not designed for real-world storage and transport conditions
  • Uranium mills, nuclear power reactors, and other nuclear sites closed and released without environmental review
  • Review of funds needed for decommissioning nuclear power reactors, irradiated (“spent”) fuel storage, and nuclear fuel facilities
  • Excluding uranium mills, nuclear sites, radioactive wastes, and more from environmental and safety regulations
NRC is only accepting comments from the public until July 21. 
Thanks for all you do!
The NIRS Team
Diane D’Arrigo
Denise Jakobsberg
Tim Judson
Ann McCann
Hannah Smay 
Connect with us!
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
6930 Carroll Avenue Suite 340 | Takoma Park, Maryland 20912
3012706477 | |

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Economic Analysis Shows $10-50 Billion In Proposed Nuclear Subsidies Would Subvert Biden’s Infrastructure Plans; Best Investment for Jobs, Climate and the Economy is in Rapid Transition to Renewable Energy and Smart Electricity Grid, According to Expert
DEP Newsroom
Dept. of Environmental Protection

Commonwealth News Bureau
Room 308, Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg PA., 17120

Jamar Thrasher, DEP

Environmental Quality Board Adopts Final CO2 Budget Trading Program Rulemaking
Board adopts RGGI regulation by vote of 15 to 4

Harrisburg, PA – Today, members of Pennsylvania’s Environmental Quality Board (EQB), voted to adopt the final-form rulemaking of the multistate CO2 budget trading program, also known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a regional CO2 Budget Trading Program. The vote was 15 to 4.
“This is a milestone in helping Pennsylvanians get one step closer to combating the ills of climate change,” said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.
Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI would establish a program to limit CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric power plants located in Pennsylvania. Emissions of CO2 is a greenhouse gas and is a major contributor to climate change, which is detrimental to public health and welfare in Pennsylvania. Following this EQB meeting, the next step in the regulatory process is review by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC).
Pennsylvania has the fifth leading CO2 emitting electricity generation sector in the United States, and RGGI is a significant component in achieving Pennsylvania’s goals to reduce net GHG emissions from 2005 levels by 26% by 2025 and 80% by 2050.
RGGI is a “cap and invest” program that sets a regulatory limit on CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric generating units (EGU) and permits trading of CO2 allowances to effect cost efficient compliance with the regulatory limit. RGGI provides a ''two-prong'' approach to reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired EGUs. The first prong is a declining CO2 emissions budget and the second prong involves investment of the proceeds resulting from the auction of CO2 allowances to further reduce CO2 emissions. Each participating state establishes its own annual CO2 emissions budget which sets the total amount of CO2 emitted from fossil fuel-fired EGUs in a year.
This final-form rulemaking is authorized under the Air Pollution Control Act (APCA), which grants the Board the authority to adopt rules and regulations for the prevention, control, reduction, and abatement of air pollution in Pennsylvania. This final-form rulemaking would effectuate least cost CO2 emission reductions for the years 2022 through 2030.
What is commonly referred to as the ''RGGI cap'' on emissions is a reference to the total of all the state CO2 emissions budgets. This final-form rulemaking includes a declining annual CO2 emissions budget, which starts at 78 million tons in 2022 and ends at 58 million tons in 2030. This is anticipated to reduce CO2 emissions in Pennsylvania by 31% compared to 2019. The declining annual CO2 emissions budget is equivalent to the CO2 allowance budget, which is the number of CO2 allowances available each year.
Dated 4/30/2021 Docketed 5/10/2021
Categorical Exclusions from Environmental Review
Michael J.  Keegan
Don't Waste Michigan
Document Title:
Federal Register Notice Re: Categorical Exclusions from Environmental Review
Document Type:
Federal Register Notice
Rulemaking- Proposed Rule
Document Date:
