No Permit to Pollute! Sign on by Thursday Oct 19th

Hello all,

We have one week until the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) closes public comments on their draft permit for Fermi 2. This permit does not protect our communities or our waters, we cannot afford 5 years of dangerous chemicals and thermal pollution while DTE and EGLE do nothing about it. DTE must be held accountable.

Please join CRAFT in calling for a public hearing on this issue. We cannot wait 5 years for DTE to clean up their act. CRAFT has penned a public comment to DTE and EGLE: follow the link to add your signature to our open letter and say NO to this permit to pollute.

Please sign our open letter by 11:59 pm Eastern on Thursday, October 19th:

Join Us in Saying No Permit to Pollute

Thank you all so much, here is to a safe and just energy future.

Peace and Safety,

The CRAFT Team

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Citizen's Resistance At Fermi Two (CRAFT) is an Indigenous-led, grassroots, organization, committed to an accessible, fair, and just energy future for all! CRAFT originally formed after the Christmas Day 1993 incident at the Fermi2 nuclear reactor that dumped 1.5 million gallons of untreated toxic, radioactive water into Lake Erie. We will continue to push for the closing of Fermi2, and for a safer world powered by renewables.