Price Anderson Coverage Cleanup Costs

Does Price Anderson Cover Offsite Economic Costs? ANI implied that it does to the NRC Commissioners; NRC OGC representative told ACRS that he doesn’t know; Inside EPA investigative report, supported by emails between EPA, NRC, FEMA obtained by FOIA, July 2010 concluded that Price Anderson only covered partial costs-not cleanup. The report said that,

NRC officials also indicated during the meetings that the industry-funded account established under the Price Anderson Act -- which Congress passed in 1957 in an effort to limit the industry's liability -- would likely not be available to pay for such a cleanup. The account likely could only be used to provide compensation for damages incurred as the result of an accident, such as hotel stays, lost wages and property replacement costs, the documents show, leaving federal officials unsure where the money to pay for a cleanup would come from.

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