(Harrisburg, Pa) - The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission ruled against Eric Epstein's Petition
just hours after getting TMI-2 Solutions Motion
to Strike Epstein's new contentions on water use.
Mr. Epstein has 25 days to file an appeal. He is
studying his options. It is clear TMI-2 Solutions
is not well suited for this endeavor, and water use
and radioactive water disposal remain unresolved.
The plan to store TMI-2's debris, fuel and
waste at TMI-1 - a separate licensee - is discretionary
and just as precarious as TMI-1's rationing of water
for the TMI-2 cleanup. TMI-2 Solutions is proposing
to "temporarily" store nine high-level radioactive
casks on-site. The contents were not disclosed at
the hearing.
Assuming there is a contract between TMI-1 and
TMI-2, it was not disclosed the hearing, high-level
radioactive material from the TMI accident will
remain on site indefinitely.
If Constellation - which is in no hurry to clean up
TMI-1 - is being reimbursed by the DOE to store high-level
radioactive waste on the Susquehanna River, then there
is no incentive to move the radioactive waste off site.
In fact it is profitable for Constellation - which may
not complete the TMI-1 cleanup until 2075 - to make
Three Mile Island a high level radioactive waste site.
Contact: Eric Epstein.