TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
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A collection of stories from a variety of people touched by TMI.
Subject:  Braidwood, Byron, Calvert Cliffs, Clinton, Dresden, FitzPatrick, LaSalle, Limerick, Nine Mile, Peach Bottom, Quad Cities, Ginna, Salem, Three Mile - Issuance of Amendments Related to Order Approving Transfer of Licenses (EPID L-2022-LLM-0000) (Letter)
ADAMS Accession No.:  ML22021B659
Using Web-based ADAMS, select “Advanced Search”
Under “Property,” select “Accession Number”
Under “Value,” enter the Accession Number
Click Search 
Subject:  Braidwood, Byron, Calvert Cliffs, Clinton, Dresden, FitzPatrick, LaSalle, Limerick, Nine Mile, Peach Bottom, Quad Cities, Ginna, Salem, Three Mile - Issuance of Amendments Related to Order Approving Transfer of Licenses (EPID L-2022-LLM-0000) - Enclosure 1
ADAMS Accession No.:  ML22021B660
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 22-005 February 2, 2022
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200

NRC Announces Opportunity to Request Hearing on Vogtle Unit 4 Notice of Intended Operation
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published in the Federal Register a notice of opportunity to request a limited scope adjudicatory hearing regarding Southern Nuclear Operating Co.’s notice to load nuclear fuel into the Vogtle Unit 4 reactor in Georgia, beginning in September. The company has also submitted notifications describing the completion of inspections and other actions required before the fuel load.
Petitions requesting a hearing must be filed by April 4, by anyone with interests that might be affected by Vogtle Unit 4’s proposed operation who wants to participate as a party in the proceeding. This hearing opportunity is limited to petitions regarding the licensee’s conformance with the acceptance criteria in the combined license for the facility. Petitions requesting a hearing in this matter must show which acceptance criteria have not been or will not be met, as well as why failure to meet the criteria would prevent the NRC from having reasonable assurance that public health and safety will be adequately protected. Environmental contentions and other issues outside the scope of the proceeding will not be considered. The Commission will determine whether to grant the hearing request.
Information on Southern Nuclear’s completion of the required inspections and other actions, without proprietary details, is available on the NRC’s website. The NRC will consider this information when making a finding later this year on whether Vogtle Unit 4 can begin operating.

As we discussed yesterday, the publicly available Energy Solutions indirect license application submittal package is in ADAMS at accession number ML21344A114.  I should point out that the cover letter for the application identifies two other contacts besides Mr. van Noordennen that you might try to gain access to the SUNSI information provided with the application.  Let me know if you have any trouble accessing the documents in ADAMS.
Best Regards,
Jack D. Parrott
Senior Project Manager
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

ADAMS Accession No. ML22024A185
ADAMS Hyperlink:
Using Web-based ADAMS, select “Advanced Search”
Under “Property,” select “Accession Number”
Under “Value,” enter the Accession Number
Click Search

Letter enclosing Federal Register Notice on Consideration of the Application for 
Approval of Indirect Transfer of Licenses held by EnergySolutions, LLC
Posted to FRN on 1/21/2022
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received 
and is considering approval of a license transfer application 
filed by Energy Solutions, LLC (EnergySolutions ) on 
December 7, 2021. The application seeks NRC approval 
of the indirect transfer of Facility Operating License 
Nos. DPR-39 and DPR-48 for Zion Nuclear Power 
Station (Zion), Units 1 and 2, respectively, and the 
general license for the Zion independent spent fuel 
storage installation (ISFSI); Possession Only License 
No. DPR-73 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station,
Unit 2 (TMI-2); Possession Only License No. DPR-45 
for La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (La Crosse) and 
the general license for the La Crosse ISFSI; Radioactive 
Materials License No. 39-35044-01; and Export 
Licenses XW010/04 and XW018/01 from the 
current principal shareholders of the Energy 
Solutions parent company Rockwell Holdco, 
Inc. (Rockwell) and other investors to a 
majority ownership by TriArtisan ES Partners, 
LLC  (TriArtisan). The application contains 
sensitive unclassified non-safeguards information 
TMI-2 Solutions is a wholly owned subsidiary 
of EnergySolutions, which in turn is a privately held 
company whose shares are directly owned by Rockwell 
Holdco, Inc. (''Rockwell").
Rockwell is 57% owned primarily by a number of
 affiliated passive investment funds controlled by Energy 
Capital Partners GP II, LP (the "Controlling Partner"): 
(i) Energy Capital Partners II, LP; (ii) Energy Capital 
Partners II-A, LP; (iii) Energy Capital Partners II-B, LP;
 (iv) Energy Capital Partners II-C (Direct IP), LP; and (v) 
Energy Capital Partners I-D, LP (collectively, the ''ECP II 
Partnerships")...Approximately 37% of the equity in all 
of the ECP II Partnerships is held by Foreign Passive
 Investors. Approximately 28% of the equity in the
 TriArtisan Entities is held by Foreign Passive
 Investors (Application, p. 4) Foreign trustees 
“can make foreign investments, including investments
to be maintained abroad; provided, however, that such 
authority is limited to those foreign jurisdictions in which
the Trustee has selected a foreign custodian in accordance 
with Section 4.6 - hereof.”
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: I-22-002 January 26, 2022
CONTACT: Diane Screnci, 610-337-5330
Neil Sheehan, 610-337-5331
NRC Issues Confirmatory Order, $50,000 Civil Penalty to HDI Over Security-Related Violations at Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a confirmatory order to Holtec Decommissioning International LLC following an Alternative Dispute Resolution mediation session regarding security-related violations at the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant.
HDI has agreed on a series of corrective actions that the NRC will confirm during upcoming inspections at the Lacey Township (Ocean County), New Jersey, plant. Following completion of the corrective actions, the NRC will issue a civil penalty of $50,000 for the violations, which is a reduction from the base civil penalty of $150,000.
“This agreement will result in a number of significant actions that can be expected to improve the security programs not only at Oyster Creek but also at the other nuclear plants being decommissioned by HDI,” said NRC Region I Deputy Administrator Raymond Lorson.
The corrective actions are intended to address two violations and related performance aspects found during an NRC investigation at Oyster Creek concluded on March 11, 2021. During that investigation, the agency determined that a now-former security superintendent, who was also assigned armorer duties, deliberately failed to properly perform required annual material-condition inspections of response unit rifles and falsified related records.
The mediation session was conducted on Oct. 14, 2021. Under the ADR process, mediation is facilitated by a neutral third party who has no decision-making authority but assists the NRC and a licensee in reaching an agreement when differences exist regarding an enforcement action.
Corrective actions agreed to by HDI include making the corporate security director a standalone position; the use of external experts to conduct independent assessments of security at Oyster Creek and other Holtec-owned decommissioning nuclear power plants; and the implementation of training and communications related to the issue.
A copy of the confirmatory order will be made available in the NRC’s electronic documents system, ADAMS.
The NRC will be issuing a Severity Level III Notice of Violation to the former superintendent.
These enforcement actions are separate and distinct from the NRC’s issuance of a $150,000 civil penalty to HDI on Dec. 22, 2021, for other security-related violations at Oyster Creek.
