TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.


On March 29 and March 30, 1979 the second and third days of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, the situation at the damaged Unit 2 reactor spiraled out of control.

As a new reporter covering the statehouse for Ottaway Newspapers, I adapted to changing circumstances in what became the worst commercial nuclear accident in U.S. history.

Press Advisory

TMI-Alert* to Discuss the Impact and Status of Three Mile Island 40 years After the Meltdown

Contact: Eric Epstein, #717-635-8615

In its current configuration, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station has enough space on-site to store spent fuel until 2019.

But that won't stop the power plant from continuing operations well beyond that date, according to Exelon Spokesman David Tillman. In fact, the need for more dry cask storage will bring a sizeable construction job to the plant, which is in southeastern York County.

Read more

Ms. Doane,
Attached is Three Mile Island Alert's petition for enforcement action regarding the replacement steam generators. A fluttering behavior of the steam tubes to the point of damage was not predicted by design analysis. The behavior could cause steam tube rupturing during reactor transient conditions. Although analysis has been performed on steam tube loads under transient conditions, the fluttering and damage mechanism has not been analyzed.
The aggressive design, an admission that "the margin to buckling was not conservative," geometric changes from the previous steam generators, in addition to a design flaw and a manufacturing flaw, means that the steam generators are in violation of  regulation §50.59 in 10 CFR "Changes, tests and experiments." 
Our request for enforcement action and supporting facts are stated in the petition.
Scott D. Portzline
Security Consultant to TMI Alert
3715 N. 3rd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Eric Epstein
Chairman of Three Mile Island Alert
4100 Hillsdale Road
Harrisburg, PA 17112


General Public Utilities - Holding Company that owned Three Mile Island.

Accident Generated Water - In 1980, the Susquehanna Valley Alliance, based in Lancaster, successfully prevented GPU/Met Ed from dumping 700,000 gallons of radioactive water into the Susquehanna River.
By  Eric J.  Epstein
