TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.


Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: IV-20-024 November 18, 2020
Contact: Victor Dricks, 817-200-1128
NRC Issues Confirmatory Order to Arizona Public Service Company
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued to Arizona Public Service Co. a Confirmatory Order, documenting mutually agreed upon actions to implement programs designed to address regulatory compliance issues that contributed to two apparent violations of NRC requirements. APS operates the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Tonopah, Ariz.
The apparent violations involved the company’s failure to (1) perform a written evaluation for a change to a dry cask storage system used for spent nuclear fuel and obtain a license amendment for the way they performed accident calculations and (2) adequately analyze the consequences of a hypothetical accident involving a cask tip over on the independent spent fuel storage installation pad. The apparent violations of NRC requirements are described in a July 6 NRC inspection report.
Company officials requested the Alternative Dispute Resolution process with the NRC to discuss corrective actions. The process uses a neutral mediator with no decision-making authority to assist the NRC and its licensees in reaching an agreement.
Following a Sept. 16 meeting with company officials, the NRC issued the Confirmatory Order documenting actions that the company has agreed to take.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 20-054 October 27, 2020
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200
NRC Fines TVA More Than $900,000 for Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant Violations; Cites Three Individuals for Their Roles in the 2015 Incident
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued notices of violation and three civil penalties totaling $903,471 to the Tennessee Valley Authority, and issued violations to two managers and a plant operator for their roles in a 2015 incident.
The enforcement actions are the result of an NRC investigation into events that occurred during and after the startup of Watts Bar Unit 1 following a maintenance outage in November 2015. During the startup, operators failed to follow plant procedures and subsequently failed to properly document their actions in the control room log. Shift managers also failed to review the logs to ensure their accuracy.
Through numerous inspections, interviews, and predecisional enforcement conferences over more than four years, the NRC identified five TVA violations associated with non-conservative decision making, procedural violations, and incomplete and/or inaccurate information regarding the events provided by the utility to the NRC.
TVA and the three cited individuals have 30 days to respond to the NRC’s enforcement actions.
Footnote: Supporting documents will be available through the NRC’s electronic document database, ADAMS.
Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Review Of Quality Assurance Program Changes (EPID L-2019-LLQ-0003)
ADAMS Accession No. ML20287A130
Three Mile Island:  Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 – NRC Inspection Report No. 07200077/2020001
This is nuts:  @NRCgov cited the Susquehanna #nuclear plant in #Pennsylvania after discovering that part of a barrier in place since 1982 intended to protect a diesel-powered fire pump from a 3-hour fire was actually composed of a combustible material (!)

Hi all – 

NIRS authored a blog for Beyond Nuclear this week about the climate policy implications of a new study on the impacts of nuclear power vs. renewable energy.

The science is in: Nuclear is out

We show how the study bolsters the positions taken in USCAN’s Vision for Equitable Climate Action and other justice- and equity-based climate platforms, in favor of a path to zero GHG emissions through 100% clean, renewable energy and phasing out nuclear power. 

We also make the case for the Green New Deal to follow the demands of equity, justice, and science to do the same.

Tim Judson
Executive Director
Nuclear Information and Resource Service




DeMystifying Nuclear Power


Nuclear Radiation Alert: Could You Have A Dirty Bomb NextDoor?


Many years ago, I woke up on a Sunday morning to find three State Police Bomb Squad cars and one truck pulling a bomb disposal trailer parked on the lot next door to our home in rural Connecticut…

 Read More 


One Week Until Election Day

You may be well aware, but we wanted to remind our readers that the 2020 Electionis in 7 days! Now, more than ever, we realize that climate challenges are nonpartisan!


Learn more and get involved at:


In case you missed these other Fairewinds Updates



Regulatory Capture: Flying on the SmallModular Reactor


Yes, Fairewinds tracks nuclear safety issues, and no, Boeing will not build Small Modular Reactors that fly. However, when most of my colleagues and I look at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and its supposedly thorough technical review of an allegedly different and newly designed Small Modular Reactor (SMR)…

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SAT, SEP 19 in the NuclearHotseat & Nuclear Hostage Crisis


This week, Fairewinds Energy Education founder, Maggie Gundersen, joined Robert Manning, founder and organizer of, on Nuclear Hotseat with host, Libbe HaLevy…

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Nuclear Alert: NRC & Nuke Safety In the Time of COVID-19


Did you know that nuclear plants close for scheduled refueling every 18-months, meaning that 1/3 of the operating reactors are off-line each spring and fall?

 Read More 



Moving Energy Education Forward 


As a non-profit 501(c)3, our work at Fairewinds Energy Education is supported by grants and by many small individual donations from people like you from all around the world who believe in our work as much as we do. 

If you'd like to make a donation click the Donate button. 



The Fairewinds Crew works hard to demystify nuclear power through education. 

Subject:  Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Regulatory Virtual Audit Plan Regarding License Amendment Request to Adopt TSTF-505, Revision 2 (EPID L-2020-LLA-0120))
ADAMS Accession No.:  ML20290A524
Agreement State Event Number: 54936 
Licensee: Private Residence 
Region: 1 
City: Harrisburg   State: PA
License #: 
Agreement: Y
NRC Notified By: John Chippo
HQ OPS Officer: Thomas Herrity
Notification Date: 10/07/2020 
Notification Time: 13:19 [ET] 
Event Date: 09/28/2020 
Event Time: 00:00 [EDT] 
Last Update Date: 10/07/2020
Emergency Class: Non Emergency 
10 CFR Section: 
Agreement State 
Person (Organization): 
This material event contains a "Less than Cat 3" level of radioactive material. 

Event Text


The following was received from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP; the Department) via email:

"On Sunday afternoon, September 28, 2020, the Department was notified of radioactive material found in a private residence being cleaned-out for an auction sale. BRP staff responded and found several sealed radium-226 sources and small quantities of uranium ore. The initial investigation revealed an additional nearby property also had radioactive material present. Staff inspected that property as well and discovered several more items. Owners of the houses were related and have passed away. HazMat responder's shoes and gloves were surveyed on September 28, with no removable contamination noted. Ambient dose rates were in the microrem to few millirem per hour range around the sources. The houses were secured that evening and further investigation continued through the week. As of October 7, 45 items have been collected. Note, some items contain multiple exempt sources, pieces of rock, or bottles of circa 1920 quack medical tablets with radium-226. These items include: old quack radium consumer products, exempt check sources, vacuum tubes, a military compass, luminous tubes and deck markers, cans of thorium oxide, and various other items containing radium-226, thorium-232, strontium-90, carbon-14, and natural uranium in quantities ranging from less than a microCurie to a few milliCuries (in the case of two radium-226 sources). An empty 5 gallon pail with 'US Radium, Bloomsburg PA' stenciled on the side was found. It is believed this old manufacturer of radium products, and now an EPA Superfund site, is where these items originated from. No exposure to members of the public above the public dose limit of 100 mrem per year are believed to have occurred during discovery and recovery, as the higher activity sources were within lead containers when found. BRP will update this event if more information becomes available. A complete inventory and activity calculations are underway for proper disposal."

Event Report ID No: PA200020


Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to 

