From the NRC:
Dear Mr. Collins:
This refers to the investigation by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Office of Investigations (Ol) that was conducted at Exelon's Three Mile lsland (TMl)facility, and completed on July 7, 2011. The investigation was conducted to determine, in part, whether you, a contractor employee, deliberately failed to report a June 2010 arrest on a personal history questionnaire (PHQ) you completed on July 28, 2010, to obtain unescorted access authorization (UAA) to the site. Based on the results of the Ol investigation, the NRC has concluded that you deliberately violated Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 73.56(dX2), "Personal history disclosure," which requires, in part, that any individual who is applying for UM shall disclose the personal history information that is required by the licensee's access authorization program, including any information that may be necessary for the reviewing official to make a determination of the individual's trustworthiness and reliability. The PHQ required that you disclose all legal actions; however, you failed to record that you had been arrested on drug-related charges on June 13,2010.
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