
From Huntington News:

Although the initial accident took place in the Spring, the reactors at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant again have mounting pressure from hydrogen. Workers are trying to reduce the pressure by spraying nitrogen. Should hydrogen levels go too high, additional explosions could occur. This Youtube video is based on a release from Toyko Electric Power.

In late October, Tokyo Electric Power Company began extracting gases from the containment vessel of the No.2 reactor to remove radioactive substances. During the work, TEPCO found hydrogen accumulating in parts of the reactor at a density of up to 2.9 percent.

TEPCO started pumping nitrogen into the pressure vessels of the No.1, 2, 3 reactors on Thursday to lessen the concentration of hydrogen.

The density of hydrogen accumulating in the containment and pressure vessels is thought to be below 4 percent, the level where an explosion could occur.

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From Huntington News:

Although the initial accident took place in the Spring, the reactors at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant again have mounting pressure from hydrogen. Workers are trying to reduce the pressure by spraying nitrogen. Should hydrogen levels go too high, additional explosions could occur. This Youtube video is based on a release from Toyko Electric Power.

In late October, Tokyo Electric Power Company began extracting gases from the containment vessel of the No.2 reactor to remove radioactive substances. During the work, TEPCO found hydrogen accumulating in parts of the reactor at a density of up to 2.9 percent.

TEPCO started pumping nitrogen into the pressure vessels of the No.1, 2, 3 reactors on Thursday to lessen the concentration of hydrogen.

The density of hydrogen accumulating in the containment and pressure vessels is thought to be below 4 percent, the level where an explosion could occur.

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From the Wall Street Journal:

More than eight months after disaster struck at its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said an internal investigation, its first public assessment of its handling of the crisis, found no evidence of significant errors in its response.

But the plant operator also conceded it still didn't have answers to some key questions about the disaster, in the latest reminder of how little is still known about how the March 11 accident unfolded and what the current status of the plant is.

The findings were part of an interim report on the accident that Tepco released Friday.

The report supports Tepco's line that its plant complied with earthquake safety standards. But Tepco acknowledged it hasn't yet resolved a fundamental problem: pinpointing the source of continued leaks of irradiated water from the plant. It also said it doesn't know why radiation releases spiked four days into the crisis.

Complicating the picture, the utility retracted an earlier statement that an explosion took place in Unit 2 of the plant on March 15, the day of the radiation increase, removing one possible cause for the higher radiation levels. Tepco initially said there were two explosions on March 15, one believed to be inside the suppression chamber of Unit 2 and another near the rooftop of Unit 4. This followed explosions at Unit 1 on March 12 and at Unit 3 at March 14.

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Exelon Generation Company, LLC – Threshold Determination Under 10 CFR 50.80 – (TAC Nos. ME6269 – ME6287)

ADAMS Accession No.: ML112450212


For Immediate Release                            Contact: Giselle Barry 202-225-2836


From Asahi Shimbun:

Radioactive substances from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant have now been confirmed in all prefectures, including Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, about 1,700 kilometers from the plant, according to the science ministry.

The ministry said it concluded the radioactive substances came from the stricken nuclear plant because, in all cases, they contained cesium-134, which has short half-life of two years.

Before the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake, radioactive substance were barely detectable in most areas.

But the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's survey results released on Nov. 25 showed that fallout from the Fukushima plant has spread across Japan. The survey covered the cumulative densities of radioactive substances in dust that fell into receptacles during the four months from March through June.

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Holders of Licenses for Operating Power Reactors:  Rescission or Partial Rescission of Certain Power Reactor Security Orders Applicable to Nuclear Power Plants

ADAMS Accession Number:  ML111220447




Ralph DeSantis FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Three Mile Island Generating Station

Three Mile Island Unit 1 Returned to Service

Thousands of Equipment Upgrades and Maintenance Tasks Completed Safely, Additional Workers Bring Economic Boost to Region


LONDONDERRY TWP., PA (November 27, 2011) – Following a safe and successful refueling outage, station operators placed Three Mile Island Unit 1 back in service on Friday, Nov. 25 at 3:50 p.m. and the plant reached full power this afternoon. During the outage, workers replaced nearly a third of the reactor’s fuel and safely performed more than 17,000 inspections and maintenance activities on a variety of plant components and systems. This year, workers also upgraded the plant’s main electrical generator and installed a new digital control rod drive system.

“TMI’s refueling outage was a big success thanks to the dedication and talent of our full-time personnel and the many supplemental workers who supported us,” said Site Vice President, Glen Earl Chick. “We completed a host of maintenance activities and equipment upgrades that will help us run the plant safely and efficiently for many years to come.”

Three Mile Island used the talents and expertise of more than 1,700 supplemental workers to support this year’s refueling outage. Many of these workers traveled to Three Mile Island from outside the area, providing a significant boost to the local economy.

Three Mile Island Unit 1 generates 852 megawatts of carbon free power - enough electricity for about 800,000 homes. Electric customers were not affected by the plant being off line.


Exelon Corporation is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities with more than $18 billion in annual revenues. The company has one of the industry’s largest portfolios of electricity generation capacity, with a nationwide reach and strong positions in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Exelon distributes electricity to approximately 5.4 million customers in northern Illinois and southeastern Pennsylvania and natural gas to approximately 490,000 customers in the Philadelphia area. Exelon is headquartered in Chicago and trades on the NYSE under the ticker EXC.








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