Sep 29, 2024: The case against restarting Three Mile Island’s Unit-1

Radioactive: The Women of Three Mile Island

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.


 By Marlene Lang 


We have a new secretary of energy; get out of the way. He wants to do in four weeks what the Bush administration did not do in almost four years; get the money out there for developing renewable and more efficient energy. 

An actual scientist will be running the energy department show, rather than a military or energy industry head. Steven Chu garnered a Nobel Prize in physics in 1997.


(Harrisburg, Pa) - Three Mile Island Alert, Inc. filed a Petition for 

Rulemaking with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on

April 11, 2007 to extend host school pick-up centers at least five miles 

and preferably 10 miles beyond the plume exposure boundary zone of
Three Mile Island.  Host-schools are the destination points that children

are transportedto for “safe keeping” until their parents, guardians or

primary caregivers arrive.



Published in the Asbury Park Press, Feb. 4, 2005


By Eric Epstein 


   The Jan. 12 letter "Anti-nuclear argument flawed" from Dr. Letty Goodman 

Lutzker provided your readership with a textbook example of "junk science." 



The record indicates that in reporting to state and federal officials on 

March 28, 1979, TMI managers did not communicate information in their 

possession that they understood to be related to the severity of the 

situation. The lack of such information prevented state and federal 

officials from accurately assessing the condition of the plant. 


This analysis was published in the Press And Journal of Middletown, Pa., in September 2008.


By Marlene Lang  


We who live and work and go to school in Middletown are living and working and going to school at a crucial moment in the history of nuclear power. And so is the rest of the nation, of course. 


By Scott Portzline


The good news is that Three Mile Island has improved its protection 

from commando assaults and truck bomb attacks. The bad news is that there 

still exist weaknesses. 



By Eric Epstein


   PPL has announced it can cure global warming and make America energy independent. The problem is that the numbers don’t add up, and our cars don’t run on uranium pellets.   


This was written to the editor of Fortune Magazine in August 7, 2007.

Dear Editor:

I was deeply disappointed in David Whitford’s causal dismissal of the impact the Three Mile Island (“TMI”) accident had on our community, i.e. Rethinking Three Mile Island. Without supplying any hard data, Mr. Whitford regurgitates the mantra of the nuclear renaissance: 

“But guess what? No one died at Three Mile Island. No one even got hurt."



Three Mile Island-1  (TMI-1) came on line in September 1974 at a cost of  $400 million. Legal intervention was conducted by the Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power (ECNP) based in State College.


By Eric Epstein 


With rates set to spike, a dramatic rise in the number of delinquent

customers, and the number of consumers losing power at record levels, 

can we afford to do nothing as PPL sets to jack up electric rates by 40 percent? 

